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Editorial Guidelines

Our commitment

We help shoppers save money by providing the latest promo codes, discount codes and deals. We follow editorial guidelines to ensure accuracy, transparency and quality in our coupon content and on our website. On this page you will find the full description of the rules and guidelines for our authors and content writers.

Coupon Sourcing and Verification

We source promo codes and discount codes directly from merchants, from affiliate networks which we are a part of, user submissions by users through our contact form on our contact page and marketing emails from merchants or from promotional email lists. When selecting merchants to add on our website, we stay away from any companies in the following industries: adult, gambling, alcohol.

When adding coupon codes to a merchant page, we manually verify and validate each coupon code or deal before publishing it. The way we do this is by manually entering in the promo code on the checkout page of the merchants online store. We also listen to feedback received through our "contact us" form or through email and we remove any promo codes and deals which have been reported as invalid or not working. We always add an expiry date to coupons and deals, meaning we get notified when a promo code or a deal has expired. When a deal or a promo code has expired, it is also shown in the "expired codes" section on the promo code page of the merchant on our website. That way it is visually separated from working offers. If merchants have special offers they want listed on our website, we manually verify and validate the offer and approve it if the offer doesn't go against our guidelines.

Content Creation and Writing Standards

We are committed to creating transparent and accurate content on our webpages. Specifically on our coupon pages, we write guides about the best way to save money when making a purchase at the merchants online store. On these pages, the facts and information we write about the merchant is taken directly from official company documents of the merchant or the merchants website directly. In our website content we try to stay away from any technical terms or jargon to make the pages and its content accessible to the most amount of people possible. That strategy allows us to follow our mission of making coupon codes accessible to everyone. We always write our content as objectively as possible. Authors do not include their personal opinions on coupon pages. Excluded are blog articles. Blog articles can include the authors opinion. In that case, it will be marked appropriately.

Affiliate Disclosure and Transparency

Most of the coupon code pages include affiliate links. When you click to reveal a promo code or click to activate a deal, the current tab switches to the merchants page. A cookie is added to your browser and when you check out with the merchant, we may earn a small commission if the affiliate cookie was inserted correctly and has not expired. This is how we can offer these promo codes for free and it helps us maintain the website. If a webpage contains affiliate links, we mark it appropriately by including a disclaimer text below the authors information and also in the footer section.

Even when affiliate links are involved, we only earn a commission when the consumer saves money and therefore purchases through our affiliate links. This allows us to remain objective and focus on providing the best possible content and best possible coupon codes for consumers.

User Submissions and Community Guidelines

Visitors can send us new promo codes, deals and new merchants through our form on our contact page or directly to our email address. We take the same manual verification and validation measures as described above in the section "Coupon Sourcing and Verification" to verify the validity of submitted promo codes and deals. Users can also report expired codes or deals by sending us an email to or by sending us a message through our form on our contact page. We do not feature a comment section on the coupon pages for users to share their experiences with the validity of the offers.